How to take care of your mouth after a Filling Procedure

dental filling

How to take care of your mouth after a Filling Procedure

Congratulations on taking the important step of getting a dental filling! Now, as you begin the journey of post-filling care, it’s crucial to understand how to nurture your smile and ensure the longevity of your dental restoration.


Why Aftercare Matters

Aftercare following a dental filling procedure is more than just a routine; it’s a crucial part of healing. Proper aftercare promotes healing, helps prevent complications, and ensures the success of your dental filling.


Avoid Chewing on Hard Foods

Giving your tooth time to adjust is important in the immediate aftermath of your dental filling procedure. Avoid chewing hard or sticky foods for the first 24 to 48 hours. Instead, opt for softer options and chew on the opposite side of your mouth if possible. This precautionary measure can help prevent damage to the newly placed dental filling and allow it to be appropriately set.


Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Regular oral hygiene practices are essential for maintaining the health of your teeth and gums, especially after a dental filling. Be diligent about brushing and flossing your teeth to keep your mouth clean and plaque-free. However, remember to be gentle when it comes to the filled tooth. Avoid excessive force while brushing or flossing around the filled area to prevent irritation or damage.


Be Mindful of Sensitivity

After the procedure, it’s perfectly normal to experience some degree of sensitivity in the filled tooth. You may notice increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or pressure for a few days. This sensitivity typically subsides as the tooth adjusts to the dental filling. However, if you experience persistent or worsening sensitivity, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist for further evaluation.


Avoid Teeth-Staining Substances

To maintain the aesthetic appearance of your dental filling, avoiding excessive amounts of teeth-staining substances such as tea, coffee, and red wine is wise. These beverages can cause discolouration of the filling material over time. If you indulge, rinse your mouth with water afterwards to minimise the risk of staining.


Attend Follow-Up Appointments

Your journey to optimal oral health doesn’t end after the dental filling procedure. It’s essential to attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your dentist. These appointments allow your dentist to monitor the healing of the filling, assess its stability, and address any concerns that may arise.


Report Any Issues

Your dentist is your partner in maintaining a healthy smile. If you experience persistent pain, discomfort, or other unusual symptoms in the filled tooth or surrounding area, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. These symptoms could indicate an issue with the dental filling or underlying dental health concerns that require attention.


Maintain Regular Dental Checkups

Lastly, prioritise regular dental checkups and cleanings every six months or as your dentist recommends. These appointments are essential for monitoring the condition of your dental filling, detecting any signs of decay or damage early on, and ensuring the overall health of your smile.


In conclusion, aftercare following a dental filling procedure is essential for promoting healing, ensuring restoration longevity, and maintaining oral health. Following these simple aftercare tips and staying proactive about your dental health, you can enjoy a healthy, vibrant smile for years. Remember, your smile is worth the effort!

Oral Hygiene Tips – Maintain Healthy Teeth During Holiday

dental tips for holiday

Oral Hygiene Tips: How to Maintain Healthy Teeth During Holiday Feasts

The holiday season is a time for joy, festivities, and, of course, indulgent feasts. While savouring delicious holiday treats is a tradition, being mindful of your oral health is essential. Maintaining healthy teeth during the holiday feasts is crucial to prevent potential issues like cavities and gum problems. In this blog, we’ll provide practical oral hygiene tips to keep your smile radiant and healthy throughout the holiday season.

Stay Hydrated: Water is Your Best Friend

With all the festive drinks around, remember to stay hydrated with water. Water helps rinse away food particles, neutralises acids, and promotes saliva production—your natural defence against tooth decay. Make it a habit to sip water between festive drinks to refresh your mouth.

Mindful Eating: Quality Over Quantity

While indulging in every holiday treat is tempting, practice mindful eating. Choose quality over quantity and savour each bite. Avoid continuously snacking throughout the day, exposing your teeth to a prolonged acid attack. Instead, enjoy your treats during mealtime to minimise the impact on your teeth.

Opt for Tooth-Friendly Treats

Not all holiday treats are created equal when it comes to your oral health. Choose tooth-friendly options like cheese, nuts, and crunchy fruits and vegetables. These foods stimulate saliva production and can help naturally clean your teeth.

Limit Sugary and Acidic Holiday Foods

Holiday feasts often feature sugary and acidic delights that can contribute to tooth decay. Limit your intake of candies, desserts, and acidic beverages. If you indulge, consider enjoying them with a meal rather than as standalone snacks, and remember to brush your teeth afterwards.

Maintain Your Oral Care Routine

Stick to your regular oral care routine no matter how busy the holiday season gets. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily to remove plaque between your teeth, and use an antiseptic mouthwash for an extra layer of protection. Consistency is key to maintaining healthy teeth.

Bring Your Oral Care Essentials

Whether you’re travelling or attending a holiday gathering, bring your oral care essentials with you. Pack a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss to maintain your oral hygiene routine wherever you go

Schedule a Post-Holiday Dental Checkup

Plan ahead for a dental checkup after the holiday season. Regular dental visits are essential for preventive care and can address any issues before they become more significant problems. Schedule your post-holiday checkup to start the new year with a healthy smile.

Maintain Your Oral Health with Northern Dental

Remember, a little mindfulness and consistency go a long way in maintaining a radiant and healthy smile throughout the most wonderful time of the year. Consider scheduling a hygiene appointment with Northern Dental for comprehensive oral hygiene and dental health care. Our skilled dental hygienists, conveniently located near you, offer personalised care to keep your teeth in top condition. Take advantage of our special hygiene appointment offer for £60 and enter the new year with a confident and healthy smile.

Hygiene Appointments with Northern Dental

Why are hygiene appointments important?

Visiting our hygienist at Northern Dental is essential for maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile and is vital for your dental health. Hygiene appointments help prevent dental decay and gum disease by removing the tarter and plaque before it leads to disease.

We recommend a minimum of two hygiene appointments per year unless your dentist recommends more frequent visits.

What happens during your Hygiene Appointment?

Our hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth, which you can not achieve with a routine checkup or brushing your teeth. This removes any plaque or tarter build-up in those areas that can not be reached whilst daily brushing. A deep cleaning above and below the gum line assists in preventing dental decay, bad breath, gum disease and any future issues from developing.

A clean and polish will be performed to remove any superficial stains on your teeth. To further your hygiene appointment, you can ask for air polishing which uses a wand to deep clean and polish your teeth; reaching the areas with a traditional scaling method can not.

With our hygienist, you can discuss your dental health. They will provide you with advice and information on how to effectively care for your teeth and gums individually to your discussion.

Physically, after your hygiene appointment, your teeth visibly appear whiter and cleaner. Giving you the confidence you deserve!

Book your hygiene appointment by calling us at 023 9238 8898 or emailing us at

5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Kid to Brush Their Teeth

Did you know that teaching your child to brush their teeth can be fun? ​

Even though general oral health is improving in England, a recent survey of 5-year-olds showed that just under a quarter have tooth decay. Each kid with tooth decay has an average of 3 to 4 damaged teeth. 

These poor oral health issues can lead to:

  • Dental extraction due to tooth decay 

  • Decreased wellbeing

  • Infections and pain

Here are a few tricks & tips that might help:

1. Set an Example – Make teeth brushing and flossing a family affair.

While it seems obvious, one of the most effective ways to make brushing your teeth enjoyable for your children is to set an example. Let your kids watch while you go through these routines. Make your point by showing them what you do, from brushing your tongue to reaching your farthest back teeth. Making this routine a family habit will create consistency and promote good dental health.

2. Get Your Child a Special Toothbrush & Make It Fun With An Interactive App.

Have you ever heard of Interactive Apps that dental companies developed for children’s teeth-brushing routines? It’s a great way to encourage your child to brush with their favourite character. (90% of kids brush longer with the Disney Magic Timer App™ by Oral-B). This feature can train them in brushing techniques with a timer, tips & bits of advice. Some of these electronic brushes have a reward system that unlocks character stickers, games and photo filters.

3. Fun Tooth Fairy Idea to Encourage Healthy Habits- Let your kids know about the Tooth Fairy and their stories. 

Children and parents can enjoy a visit from the Tooth Fairy to mark the occasion of losing a baby tooth. But with the tooth in hand, parents might wonder: How does the Tooth Fairy keep the children’s oral health on top?

Talk about good dental habits. The time around the Tooth Fairy’s visit gives you the perfect opportunity to review good brushing and flossing habits with your children. It’s also a good reminder to schedule a dental visit for your kids.

4. Healthy Competition? – Make it a Game 

Kids love competing with each other, whether on the playground or at home with their brothers or sisters. Why not bring this to their oral routine? Set your timer for 2 minutes, and compete with each other. Let’s see who can brush their teeth for the entire time without stopping. A simple but fun way for children to brush their teeth properly.

5. Did You Say Reward? 

Don’t overthink it. It can be anything from bedtime storytelling to a small prize. For example, create your own monthly calendar and give stickers (or printed stars) to reward your kid for collecting them daily. Mix it up by creating different stickers and surprise them so that getting an additional star can remain exciting. These easy rewards for kids will motivate and inspire them without any stress.

Making oral hygiene a fun and enjoyable routine at home will help your child form a lifelong habit of caring for oral health. If you need more information or would like to discuss how you can best care for your children’s dental health, call Northern Dental on 023 9238 8898 and book a consultation.